Kanal Informasi Panitia Penjaringan dan Penyaringan Calon Rektor (P3CR) Universitas Sebelas Maret
This site is a channel of information for the Rector Candidate Selection and Screening Committee (P3CR) of Sebelas Maret University.

Working with the Rector Candidate Selection and Screening Committee (P3CR) of Sebelas Maret University, I built a website that serves as a channel of information for the committee. The website is built using Nuxt.js and Tailwind CSS, and the CMS is managed using Directus.
The website is deployed on the university's server and is accessible at p3cr.uns.ac.id. The CI/CD pipeline is also configured in the university's GitLab server.
- Auto-layout
- Color styles
- Component-based
- Variants
- Interactive components
- Prototype ready
- Responsive design (mobile first, desktop)